In this enchanting show, it is vital for the set to be bursting with whimsicality and beauty to transport audiences into the mysterious land of Brigadoon. This Design Pak© will show you how to build double-sided faux stone units and includes plans for the carts, well, hanging fan, statue, shrubs, fences & moon.
A few of specific pieces you'll get plans for are:
- The Forest
- Market Booths and Carts
- The Brockie Open Shed
- The Maclaren House
- Mr. Lundie's House
- The Well
- Decorative House/ Tree Wagons
- The Kirk of Brigadoon (Image 1)
- The Glen
- NYC Bar
- Details like a bed, fireplace, chimney and jukebox (for the bar scene)
- and more!
All Design Paks© are leased and include:
- The technical blueprints & how-to instructions for building
- Colored renderings of the set pieces
- The ScenoGraphics Building Manual (covering building and material basics)
- A materials list
- A return label emailed to you
Design Paks© are due back two weeks after a show’s closing. Return shipping is included and you will receive an email with a return label when your order is fulfilled.